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Zhuk Tetiana Yuriivna


Scopus Author ID: 58131025900

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8015-0038

Google Scholar

Curriculum Vitae


mechanics and mathematics faculty, room 239
e-mail: zhuktetiana6@knu.ua

General information

In 2022 graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and took Master’s of Teoretical and Applied Statistic degree (honors diploma), from 2022 she was post-graduate student, from 2024 she worked as an assistant of Integral and Differential Equations Department.

Teaching activity

Conducts lecture, practical and laboratory classes on the normative course "Differential Equations", "The calculus of variations" and "Optimization methods". Manages coursework works and manages educational practice in methods of economic calculations.

Scientific work

The field of scientific interests: optimal control for the differential inclusion.

Main publications

Kichmarenko, O.D.; Kasimova, N.V.; Zhuk, T.Y. Approximate solution of the optimal control problem for differential inclusion with fast oscillating coefficients. Res. Math. Mech. 2021, 6, 38–54. [Google Scholar]

Kichmarenko, O.D.; Kapustian, O.V.; Kasimova, N.V.; Zhuk, T.Y. Optimal control problem for the differential inclusion with fast oscillating coefficients on the semi-axes. Nonlinear Osc. 2021, 24, 363–372. [Google Scholar]

T. Zhuk, N. Kasimova and A. Ryzhov, Application of the averaging method to the optimal control problem of non-linear differential inclusions on the finite interval, Axioms 11 (2022),

Sergey Dashkovskiy, Oleksiy Kapustyan, Olena Kapustian, Tetyana Zhuk Asymptotic analysis of optimal control problemson the semiaxes for Caratheodory differential inclusionswith fast oscillating coefficients. Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, Vol. 28, No. 6, 1077–1088

O. D. Kichmarenko, O. A. Kapustian, N. V. Kasimova and T. Y. Zhuk, Optimal control problem for a differential inclusion with rapidly oscillating coefficients on the semiaxis, J. Math. Sci. (N.Y.) 272 (2023), no. 2, 267–277.

Kasimova, Nina, Zhuk, Tetiana and Tsyganivska, Iryna. "Approximate solution of the optimal control problem for non-linear differential inclusion on the semi-axes" Georgian Mathematical Journal, vol. 30, no. 6, 2023, pp. 883-889.

T. Yu. Zhuk. "AVERAGED OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEMS OF NON-LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL INCLUSIONS ON THE FINITE AND INFINITE INTERVALS". "Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series of Mathematics and Informatics" 45(2), 75–82.


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Integral and Differential Equations Department
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