Yusypiv Taras Vasyliovych
Ph.D. (in mathematics), assistant
mechanics and mathematics faculty, room 239
General information
In 2007 graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and took diploma of specialist on speciality “Mathematics”, from 2021 he is educated under the Ph.D. program in Mathematics, and from 2024 he worked as an assistant of Integral and Differential Equations Department.
Teaching activity
Conducts practical classes on the normative courses “Analitical geometry”, ‘”Higher mathematics and methodology of its teaching”, “Differential equations”, “Methodology of teaching mathematics in institutions of general secondary education”, and he is the head of course projects on "Internet technologies" and "Differential equations, dynamical systems and mathematical models”.
Scientific work
Research of the stability for attractors of evolutionary systems without uniqueness, modeling of open evolutionary systems.
Main publications
Kapustyan O.V., Yusypiv T.V. Robust stability of the attractor of a nonlinear wave equation without uniqueness of the solution // Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 274 (6), 2023. pp. 850-860. DOI:
Skrypka K.I., Guida O.G., Ometsynska N.V., Yusypiv T.V., Lisovets S.M. Remote monitoring and management of the ecological state of environmentusimg modern technologies of the internet of things // Scientific notes of Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University. Series: Technical Sciences, 2023, Volume 34 (73), No. 3, pp. 233-238. DOI: 10.32782/2663-5941/2023.3.1/36 (in Ukrainian)
Kapustyan O.V., Yusypiv T.V. Stability under perturbations for the attractor of a dissipative PDF-ODF-type system // Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 272 (2), 2023. pp. 236-243. DOI:
Kapustyan O.V., Kurylko O.B., Yusypiv T.V., Pankov A.V. Stability w.r.t. disturbances for the global attractor of multi-valued semiflow generated by nonlinear wave equation // Journal of optimization, differential equations and their applications (JODEA), 2023, Volume 31, Issue 1, pp. 111-124. DOI:
Kapustyan O.V., Sobchuk V.V., Laptiev O., Yusypiv T.V., Shestak I., Zinchenko K. Robust stability of limit regimes in distributed signal transmission RD systems // 2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information Theory (December 15 – 17, 2022), pp. 168-172.
Kapustyan O.V., Sobchuk V.V., Yusypiv T.V., Pankov A.V. Robust stability of global attractors for evolutionary systems without uniqueness // Journal of optimization, differential equations and their applications (JODEA), 2022, Volume 30, Issue 2, pp. 49-61. DOI:
Kapustyan O.V., Yusypiv T.V. Stability of limit regimes for the general case of the system of the reaction-diffusion type // Bulletin of University of Uzhgorod. Mathematics and Informatics, 2022, Volume 41, No.2, pp. 48-60. DOI: (in Ukrainian)
Kapustyan O.V., Yusypiv T.V. Robust stability of the attractor of a nonlinear wave equation without uniqueness of solution // Nonlinear oscillations, 2022, Volume 25, No.2., pp. 198-206. (in Ukrainian)
Ometsinskaya N.V., Lisovets S.M., Vyshemirska Ya.S., Yusypiv T.V., Zhovnerchuk I.V. Access control system based on face recognition by the method of Viola-Jones // Scientific notes of Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University. Series: Technical Sciences, 2021, Volume 32 (71), No. 6, pp. 123-127. DOI: 10.32838/2663-5941/2021.6/20 (in Ukrainian)
Kapustyan O.V., Yusypiv T.V. Stability to disturbances for the attractor of the dissipative PDE–ODE-type system // Nonlinear oscillations, 2021, Volume 24, No.3., pp. 336-341. (in Ukrainian)
Lysenko O.I., Tachinina O.M., Novikov V.I., Guida O.G., Furtat O.V., Yusypiv T.V. The way of adjusting the digital system and ensuring the position of the mobile sensor // Scientific notes of Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University. Series: Technical Sciences, 2021, Volume 32 (71), No. 5, pp. 51-57. DOI: 10.32838/2663-5941/2021.5/09 (in Ukrainian)
Kapustyan O.V., Kurylko O.B., Yusypiv T.V. Robust stability of the global attractor of the reaction-diffusion system // Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Physics and Mathematics, 2021, No.3, pp. 46-50. DOI: (in Ukrainian)
Nikitenko Ye.V., Ometsynska N.V., Medvedev M.Í., Guida O.G., Yusypiv T.V. Smart University information system // Scientific notes of Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University. Series: Technical Sciences, 2021, Volume 32 (71), No. 4, pp. 109-115. DOI: 10.32838/2663-5941/2021.5/09 (in Ukrainian)
Medvedev M.H., Yusypiv T.V. Use of the lognormal distribution function for similation of mortality from COVID-19 // Scientific notes of Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University. Series: Technical Sciences, 2020, Volume 31 (70), No. 1, pp. 119-122. DOI: (in Ukrainian)
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Integral and Differential Equations Department
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