Mykhailo Horodnii
Sc.D. (in Mathematics), professor
mechanics and mathematics faculty, room 141,
phone no.: (044) 431-04-63,
General information
Graduated from Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University in 1984 (Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Diploma with Honor); Ph.D. in Mathematics (1988, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Speciality: Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics); Doctor of Sciences in Mathematics (2004, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Speciality: Differential equations).
1989–2006 – Assistant of professor, Associated Professor, Department of Mathematical Analysis,
2006–2007 – Head of the Department of Geometry,
2007–2019 – Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics,
2019 –2022 – Professor, Department of Geometry, Topology and Dynamic Systems,
since 2022 – Professor, Department of Integral and Differential Equations.
Teaching activity
Main courses: « Analytic geometry », « Linear algebra and analytic geometry », «Functional analysis», «Qualitative and analytical methods for studying differential equations».
Scientific work
The field of scientific interests: investigation of properties of solutions to differential and difference equations with operator coefficients and their stochastic analogs.
Main publications
1. Horodnii M. Bounded Solutions of a Difference Equation with Piecewise Constant Operator Coefficients. 2024, Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States), 279, pp. 330–342.
2. Horodnii M., Pecherytsia O. Bounded Solutions of a Second-Order Differential Equation with Piecewise-Constant Operator Coefficients. 2024, Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States), 282, pp.935–943.
3. Horodnii M.F. Vandermonde Operator and Bounded Solutions of Difference Equations. 2023, Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States), 274, pp. 833–840.
4. Horodnii M.F. Linear differential equations of higher orders in a Banach space and the Vandermonde operator. 2022, Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology, v. 28, no. 4, pp. 295–301.
5. Horodnii M.F. Bounded and summable solutions of a difference equation with piecewise-constant operator coefficients. 2022, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 74(7), pp. 1063-1072.
6. M. Horodnii, V. Kravets. Bounded in the mean solutions of a second-order difference equation. 2021, Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications, v.8, N 4, pp. 465 – 474.
7. Gorodnii M. F., Gonchar I. V. Bounded in the mean of order p solutions of a difference equation with jump of an operator coefficient. 2019, Theory of probability and mathematical statistics, v.101, pp. 93-97 (in Ukrainian).
8. Horodnii M.F. Existence of Solution of the Dirichlet Problem for the Heat Conduction Equation with General Stochastic Measure. 2019, Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States), 240(3), pp. 249-255.
9. Gorodnii, M.F. Chaikovskii, A.V. A generalization of the concept of sectorial operator. 2006, Sbornik Mathematics 197(7-8), pp. 977-995.
10. Gorodnii, M.F. Bounded and periodic solutions of a difference equation and its stochastic analogue in Banach space. 1991, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 43(1), pp. 32-37.
11. Gorodnii, M.F. Limit behavior of the solutions of a stochastic difference equation in Hilbert space. 1989, Dokl. Math., 38:1, pp. 6-8.
12. Gorodnii, M.F., Podkolzin, G.B. Irreducible representations of a graded Lie algebra, in: Spectral Theory of Operators and Infinite-Dimensional Analysis. 1984, Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, pp. 66– 77 (in Russian).
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Integral and Differential Equations Department
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