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Sobchuk Valentyn Volodymyrovych

Doctor of Engineering, Professor

Scopus Author ID: 25123261200

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4002-8206

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Curriculum Vitae


Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty, room 503,
òåë.: (044) 431-04-63,
e-mail: sobchuk@knu.ua

General information

Graduated from Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University in 1997 (Faculty of Mathematics). Ph. D in Mathematics (2001, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Speciality: Differential equations); Doctor of Engineering (2020, State University of Telecommunications, Specialty: Information technologies).
The academic title of associate professor of the Department of Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics was awarded in 2006, the academic title of professor of the Department of Integral and Differential Equations was awarded in 2022.
2001 – 2019 Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University (Faculty of Mathematics): 2001–2004 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Applied Mathematics; 2004–2019 – Associate Professor of the Department of Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics; 2019 – 2021, Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics Educational and Scientific Institute of Information Technologies of State University of Telecommunications. From 2021 to the present Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University: professor of the Department of Integral and Differential Equations.

Teaching activity

Main courses: "Methodology of teaching mathematics", "Project management", "Methodology of teaching mathematics in institutions of higher education I", "Methodology of teaching mathematics in institutions of higher education II", "Design and management of the educational process", "Methodology of teaching mathematics in institutions of general secondary education"

Scientific work

The field of scientific interests: qualitative theory of differential equations, functional stability of complex technical systems, information systems (business informatics), computer security and reliability, cyber security.

Main publications

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© Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Integral and Differential Equations Department
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