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Sukretna Anna Vasylivna

Ph.D. (in mathematics), associate professor

Scopus Author ID: 8615955600

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2985-1250

Google Scholar

Curriculum Vitae


mechanics and mathematics faculty, room 504,
phone no.: 259-05-90,
e-mail: sukretna.a.v@knu.ua

General information

In 2005 graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and took Master’s of Mathematics degree (honors diploma), in 2005-2007 she was post-graduate student, from 2007 she worked as an assistant and from 2012 as an associate professor of Integral and Differential Equations Department. In 2008 Sukretna A.V. defended PH.D. thesis "Approximate Averaged Bounded Synthesis for Distributive Systems". Anna Vasylivna had First Award of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for the best research student work in mathematics for work “Homogeneous Synthesis of Optimal Control for Wave Equation” in 2003. In 2023, A. Sukretna was awarded the Charter of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv for her achievements in educational, scientific and educational work.

Teaching activity

Conducts lecture, practical and laboratory classes on the normative course "Differential Equations" and "Differential Geometry", seminar classes on the optional course "Differential Mathematical Models. Scientific seminar on differential equations, dynamic systems and mathematical models", laboratory classes on the course "Selected Questions of Dynamical Systems Theory". Manages coursework and qualification works.

Scientific work

The field of scientific interests: optimal control of systems with distributed parameters.

Main publications

Academician M. O. Perestyuk (January 1, 1946 – January 25, 2024) – outstanding scientist and teacher / Bezushchak O., Horodnii M., Zhuk Y., Kapustyan O., Limarchenko O., Loveikin A., Mishura Y., Moklyachuk M., Parasyuk I., Petravchuk A., Stanzhytskyi O., Sukretna A., Kharytonov O., Chaikovskyi A., Shevchuk I., Yamnenko R. // Bulletin of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Physics and Mathematics. – 2024. – ¹ 1. – Ð. 5 – 16.

Y. Loveikin, A. Sukretna Approximate averaged bounded synthesis for a parabolic process with two switching points // Bulletin of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Physics and Mathematics. – 2024. – ¹ 1. – Ð. 96-100.

Petro Feketa, Juliya Fedorenko, Dmytro Bezushchak and Anna Sukretna ?-Limit Sets of Impul-sive Semigroups for Hyperbolic Equations. – Axioms. – 2023. – Vol. 12, 918.
https://www.mdpi.com/2075-1680/12/10/918 https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms12100918

Volodymyr O. Kapustyan, Nataliia V. Gorban, Anna V. Sukretna, Ivan D. Fartushnyi Optimal Distributed Globally Bounded Control for Parabolic – Hyperbolic Equations with Nonlocal Boundary Conditions and a Linear Quality Criterion. – Journal of Optimization, Differential Equations and Their Application (JODEA). – 2023. – Volume 31, Issue 1. – P. 53–73. DOI 10.15421/142303.

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Farhod Asrorov, Oleh Perehuda, Valentyn Sobchuk, Anna Sukretna Establishing conditions for the existence of bounded solutions to the weakly nonlinear pulse systems. – Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies: Mathematics and Cybernetics – applied aspects. – 2021. – Vol. 4, ¹4(112). – P. 6 – 12.

Kapustyan O.V., Kapustyan O.A., Sukretna A.V. Approximate bounded synthesis for distributed systems. – Saarbrucken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013. – 4+223 p.

Kapustyan O.V., Kapustyan O.A., Sukretna A.V. Approximate stabilization for a nonlinear parabolic boundary-value problem // Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 2011, 63(5), pp. 759 – 767.

Kapustyan O.V., Kapustyan O.A., Sukretna A.V. Approximate bounded synthesis for one weakly nonlinear boundary-value problem // Nonlinear Oscillations, 2009, 12(3), pp. 297–304.

Sukretna A.V. Bounded approximate synthesis of the optimal control for the wave equation // Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 2007, 59(8), pp. 1212–1223.

Sukretna A.V. Approximate optimal stabilization of solutions of a parabolic boundary-value problem by bounded control // Nonlinear Oscillations, 2006, 9(2), pp. 257–273.

Kapustyan O.A., Sukretna A.V. Approximate averaged synthesis of the problem of optimal control for a parabolic equation // Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 2004, 56(10), pp. 1653 – 1664.

Kapustyan O.V., Sukretna A.V. Averaged synthesis of the optimal control for a wave equation // Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 2003, 55(5), pp. 739 – 748.


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Integral and Differential Equations Department
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